The first thing you should do is to sign up under “registration” or when you “check out” when paying.

Then, tap the “upload ad” tab. Here you can choose how many views you want on your video that you uploaded (min 10,000 views).

Once you have done this, you will need to fill in your details as well as where your “ad” is located. This is done in the right corner when check out “Link to add”.

You then copy the exact web address where your ad is located and we will fix the rest, or you enter an “iframe” (optional). You can upload anything from music, video, image or audio. If you are unsure if we will find your ad, so describe what it is you want to show on the link you send to us.

Your video will now appear on until you reach your views. You can easily find out results under your account to know, for example, how many clicks your video has received and dates information.

You can upload as many times as you want and choose how many views you want to fit your wallet.